Turning Your Cloud Native Apps Inside Out With a Service Mesh
Cloud native best practices have come a long way from the mid-2010’s when adopters of cloud native patterns were utilizing in-app libraries to manage concerns around load balancing, circuit breaking, service discovery, etc. Many adopters of modern cloud platforms have now realized greater agility and ease of use when those primitives are separated away from the application and managed independently in a cloud platform. This talk will review the pitfalls of those earlier application patterns with an assessment of why we’ve moved on and, most importantly, the benefits of now operating with an Envoy-based Service Mesh to help you manage your environment and enhance your development practices. It will also address how using a service mesh will help you migrate to this newer development style faster and safer to better enhance your organization’s delivery times for updates to products and services.

Concurrency by Composition
Go, CSP and the Unix Philosphy

Building Low Latency Topologies with Envoy
This talk covers how Envoy’s load balancing algorithms work, with a focus on how the different components of load balancing (priorities, localities, etc.) work together and how they interact with mechanisms such as retries and outlier detection. We will then make things more concrete by detailing how these components were used to implement Istio and Square’s locality load balancing features.

Debugging Istio Networking
A deep dive on how to troubleshoot Istio and Envoy networking.

Securing your Kubernetes Delivery Pipelines with Notary and TUF
As the cloud native ecosystem matures, the focus shifts more towards security. One of the key challenges in this area for enterprises is ensuring that you trust the code that’s running in your production environment and that it hasn’t been tampered with by malicious third parties. In this session, you’ll learn about how Notary addresses this problem, how to get started with Notary and your image registry, and how you can use Kubernetes admission controllers to verify your images against Notary.

Building the Mesh
A deep dive on why and how Istio leverage Envoy to build the service mesh. In this talk, we will cover why Istio uses Envoy, how it configures Envoy and how Pilot operates as Envoy’s discovery service(s).